Lombard Lions Club

District 1J    Lombard, Illinois USA



White Cane Days

The White Cane is universally recognized as a symbol of Blindness. In the 1920's the Lions introduced it as a tool for the Blind in North America. A blind person can enjoy greater mobility using the White Cane as a tool of freedom and independence. Proceeds from the Lombard Lions White Cane Days are not only used for the Blind and Deaf in our community but also for scholarships and other humanitarian requests in keeping with our mission.

Helen Keller's speech in 1925 to the International Convention of Lions Club members at Cedar Point, Ohio will never be forgotten. Keller challenged the Lions, then only eight years in existence, to join her crusade against blindness. Since then, service to the blind has been its major goal.

Dr. Ernie Turcotte
White Cane Days Chairperson 2012-2013

This year corporate donations will be accepted until June 30th for this event.



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